Virtual Programs
- Virtual Learning is for those students/families who want to remain remote for the rest of the year
- We don’t want teachers teaching zoom + in-person simultaneously
Structured support
Incredible flexibility to meet students where they are at
Highly individualized
Credit recovery options
Skills and Real-world focus
Industry Mentors
The Virtual curriculum revolves around each student’s interests and needs. Virtual students will then be working on real projects and learning real skills that they will need, all while working with a professional who is an expert in the field they are interested in. These projects will also directly align with the standards and expectations that in-person students are covering.
The schedule is flexible for the most part and will be tailored to fit each student’s needs over time. We know that some students have younger siblings they need to watch out for or jobs that they need to work. This schedule allows for greater freedom, but also means they will need to do more work outside of class.