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Freshman/Sophomore Academy

Freshman Academy

DeLaSalle’s Freshman Academy exists to provide a supportive environment and a strong foundation for our 9th-grade students. To increase engagement and success, our students experience small class sizes with a cohort model in their section of the building. Additionally, 9th graders benefit from frequent monitoring of attendance, academics, and behavior because research shows that students who are successful in the 9th-grade year are three times more likely to graduate on time!

Sophomore Academy

Sophomore Academy is an extension of DeLaSalle’s Freshman Academy. In their 10th grade year, our students continue to benefit from frequent monitoring of attendance, behavior, and academics so that support can be put into place, ensuring a strong transition into high school.


According to the UChicago Consortium on School Research, an NCS partner, one of the critical indicators that impact student success in and beyond high school is the On-Track to Graduation rate.

The On-Track rate is a key metric in the freshman year that shows a direct correlation between the number of core courses students pass in 9th grade and their graduation rate. In 2021-2022, our students  averaged an 88% On-Track to Graduation rate! For more information on On-Track, read about it here.

